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7 Real Estate Tips for a First-Time Home Seller

The time has come to sell your first home. Although it may be sad to leave behind the memories you established there, it’s time to move onwards and upwards. Whether you’re selling due to a new job, or for the needs of a growing family, it’s an inevitable reality of being a homeowner.

Selling a home is completely different than buying a home. When you’re buying a home, there are many emotions involved. On the other hand, when selling a home, listing agents are trying to maximize potential profit. So where do you begin? Follow these 7 tips to maximize your profit and sell your home fast:

1. Choose the best day to list your home

Depending on the area you live in and your local community, there is an ideal time period that helps sell homes quicker than others. Depending on the weather, time of year, and the state of the real estate market, your agent can help you choose the best day to list your home. You’ve only got one chance, make it count.

2. Ask about your agent’s commission

Although it may be an uncomfortable question, it’s important to know the facts before you put your home on the market. Sit down with your real estate agent and go over how much commission they will be getting. Don’t expect a full-service agent to discount their services. It’s hard to sell a home on your own, and with the expertise of real estate agents, you’ll give yourself the best chance of selling your home at a large profit.

3. Be flexible when it comes to home showings

It’s important to be as flexible as possible when a potential home buyer wants to see your home. It may feel a tad intrusive to allow strangers to enter your home, but it’s the best way to sell your home. Make sure to leave the house during the showings and allow the interested parties to tour your home in peace and quiet.

4. Get professional photos

If you’ve hired a top real estate agent, then this is a given. If not, insist on getting professional photos taken of your home. It’s all about the right angles, rich colors, and inviting style that are enticing to potential home buyers.

5. Review your listing online

Once your house is on the market and the listing is online, go through the online listing with a fine-tooth comb. Ensure all the information is correct and the photos are displayed properly. If you notice a missing feature, contact your real estate agent to get it added immediately.

6. Host an open house

Open houses are the perfect time to show off your house and allow interested buyers to take a glimpse inside of your home. Before you open your doors, make sure everything is tidy, clean, and all the lights are on to create an inviting environment to potential home buyers.

7. Respond to a purchase offer immediately

Once an offer is finally made, respond as promptly as possible to the purchaser. Most offers contain a date by which the offer expires, so pay attention! Plus, the faster you respond, the faster your home will be sold!

For the most professional and knowledgeable realtors in the area, contact The Degnan Group at Key Realty to see why Toledo is the best place to live in America.

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